Friday, April 27, 2007

Big Montecore as a baby ...and as a big boy...


Anonymous said...

Oh my God Montecore is beautiful!!! You ever seen such a beautiful cat???Ok so you see what time it is? Frank went to the bowling alley, then to the domino club to thank the guy that helped them with the whole ticket thing. Hes outside pounding on the front door like Fred Flinstone , mind you the front door and I'm sleeping and its the middle of the night.Hes never out this late anymore and he figures he may have to sleep in the car, but he decided to go to the back door, and I woke up and let him in. He lost the house keys at the bowling alley.They are on a two foot key ring that latch key kids wear around their necks. He was at the bowling alley lookin for the keys, and going on and on. I happened to look up, and the keys are hangin in the lock! Einstein never took em with him!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you have loved seein sufferin succotash out there poundin on the door during the night. He says he was out there for about 15 minutes in front. Wouldnt you think he would have knocked on the bedroom window or at least come to the back door?I wish I would have been awake so I could see him out there havin to take a piss thinkin he lost the keys.

Anonymous said...

Omg, he really IS retarded! What about other dude, nephew?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have 2 most beautiful precious baby girl kitty cats right here! AND I am so blessed as to have 1 extremely gorgeous beautiful doggie, as well!

Anonymous said...

But...yes, Big Montecore is GORGEOUS!