Sit around Sandy's table and say what's on your mind...
New York was right, Romance does look like this nappy headed ho!!!!
I know a certain nappy head that wants to screw Nancy Grace's eyes straight. This nappy headed individual thinks he has what it takes to tame her eyes straight! I dont think she would let him for all the dairy logs in the world!!
Why Nancy Grace you ask, why not????
Give me cheese logs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Willy is bbbbootylicious!!!!!! If he was a valentine I would pair him up with that girl!!!!!!!!!!(remember when we used to pair up our valentines)
Don't you be speakin' for my Howie!
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New York was right, Romance does look like this nappy headed ho!!!!
I know a certain nappy head that wants to screw Nancy Grace's eyes straight. This nappy headed individual thinks he has what it takes to tame her eyes straight! I dont think she would let him for all the dairy logs in the world!!
Why Nancy Grace you ask, why not????
Give me cheese logs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Willy is bbbbootylicious!!!!!! If he was a valentine I would pair him up with that girl!!!!!!!!!!(remember when we used to pair up our valentines)
Don't you be speakin' for my Howie!
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