Saturday, April 14, 2007

Deelishis baby daddy...

Detroit Streets Say Deelishis Baby Daddy Is.......
1990 first round draft pick Derrick Coleman.
Hold up! The plot thickens.
Sources say Mr. Coleman
is more than a little pissed about Deelishis's
little tongue slip. You see, according to Detroit
city streets, Miss Deelishis and her daughter
supposed to been a cheating affair.
Sources claim Derrick is a married man and
although he does take care of the little girl,
he's not entirely sure she's his.
And those scars Deelishis likes to flaunt?
She got 'em in a car accident and guess who
was driving? According to hair salon talk,
none other than Mr. Derrick Coleman.
By the way, they say his wife only recently found
out Deelishish was in the car that night.
And if you listen to the so-called "friends", who
like to talk real loud about Deelishis in a certain Detroit
hair salon, we can expect a Hoopz like switch on Flav
anyday now. Them Detroit girls shore got game,
a little missguided maybe, but whatever.
So check it,
this is just hair salon talk
take it with with a grain of salt
and please remember
when repeating this gossip
Rhymes With Snitch is for entertainment
puposes only.

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